About BNI Education Slots

To help Education Co-ordinators within BNI to find quality resource material for their own BNI Education Slots, we have put together this website featuring both written and video Ed Slots you are able to use yourself, within your own BNI chapters.


Darren Jamieson is a former BNI Chapter President, and a 100-point member in the UK. As a professional speaker, coach and mentor, Darren took great time and effort into crafting the education slots he would deliver at BNI.

Also, as a Film School graduate, he ensured each education slot was recorded and made available for others to watch.

You can see more about Darren, his BNI story and the talks has given outside BNI on his own website here.


The BNI Education Slots featured on this website are a mixture of the original slots created by Darren Jamieson, and a collection of Ed Slots from other BNI members around the world. If you are an Education Co-ordinator within BNI, you are more than welcome to use any of the Ed Slots featured on the website within your own BNI Chapter.

Darren Jamieson, receiving the Pride of BNI trophy for growing BNI Chester, from David Williams.

In addition to videos of BNI Education slots, this website also features written transcripts, blogs and even slide decks you can use at your own BNI Chapters in your own BNI Ed Slot presentations. Our aim is to help BNI Chapters, worldwide, produce better Ed Slots to help your members pass more business, and earn more from BNI.

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